Nothing muc to report

The tittle more or less covers it all. During the weekend I was close to another giant win but the draw between Gent and Lokeren ruined a 1 euro combo with combined odds of 86 euros. Bugger.

Yesterday I clicked again the wrong button. I had a combo of 5 tennis games and did want to place a 1 euro bet but I typed to 1 euro in the fourfold combo, meaning that I did place 5 euros for 5 fourfold combos. Luckily for me the combo was correct, so a profit of 16 euros. Giving my BR a boost, which enables me to take some risks during the interlands this weekend!

Now that I removed the idea that I will explain all my bets in front, I feel relieved :). I will still post my weekend bets in front, but my midweeks bets not anymore.

Good luck,

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